Blogging for Energy Smarts


So I haven’t been here for a while.. because I’ve been blogging elsewhere! OK nowhere too exciting: the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources blog, Energy Smarts. I’ve actually been interning for them for roughly a month and so far, I’ve written three posts for them. Here they are –

Can Clean Energy Literacy Drive Action?

This is built on the notion that if we knew more about clean energy and climate change, we would be more inclined to take action. The department is currently requesting information and comment on this very topic, and if your answer is a resounding “Yes!” then you should most definitely respond. I’ve also been reading up on how audiences are split into different groups regarding climate change, and how each of them needs to be approached differently. More on that in later posts.

Images from Massachusetts Clean Energy Day

This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Not the best photography I’ve done, but I guess decent considering the department’s limited resources and extremely dim location.

Go the distance (with a fast charger)

Electric drivers can’t drive very far, but if there are fast chargers along the road that can provide full charge in, say the time frame of a lunch or even bathroom break, then problem (largely) solved. I keep having this mental image of highway chunks being added as electric vehicle fast chargers pop up. It’s like building the roads again, one fast charger at a time.