Thank You Mr Lee

Lee Kuan Yew at Singapore's National Day Parade

Singapore’s founding father, Lee Kuan Yew, has passed away. Thank you Mr Lee and may you rest in peace.

ICYMI: Environmental Reads From Last Week (Labor Day Weekend Edition)

Image via Flickr user Ferran Pestaña.

In which I share the five most interesting and important environmental stories (IMHO) that I’ve read this week on various environmental threats that birds face globally, the latest IPCC draft report leaked Tuesday, a mysterious blue substance born from the Mount Polley mine disaster and more.

MIT’s Alcator C-Mod Reactor (A Big Machine)


Senator Elizabeth Warren, Representative Katherine Clark and research faculty at MIT restarted the Alcator C-Mod reactor for fusion energy officially yesterday morning. And then, we all wore hard hats and went into the big room where the big C-Mod machine is and saw it for ourselves: fusion does not just belong in the movies.